Many people who have done LifePi find the experience is profound. There are many reasons for this.
The questionnaire itself is something you will complete in your own time and space. The process takes you on a personal journey. As you open up memories, so you will rediscover your story. This storytelling, in itself, can be a powerfully cathartic and learning experience.
But you will also to start to make your own connections. You see your behavioural patterns emerging. By reconstructing your story, LifePi enhances your self-awareness – and this sense of self leads seamlessly into your development.
All people who do LifePi receive a personal LifePi report. The analysis is not too ‘deep’ or too technical; the feedback uses words similar to those you have written yourself. This report is something you will refer to over and over, year after year. Indeed, as we have said earlier, your appreciation of the insights contained in your report actually grows, not lessens, over the years.